If you are a website owner it is very important to understand what a CMS really is. It is very often confused with other things and it is very applicable to the success for any competitive online business. It applies to all types of businesses.
What is Online Presence Really? – Same as 95′?
Online presence has really become a large part of online success. But has it really changed?
Nothing is More Important for Online Business Presence – User Interface Series – Vol 1
There are a lot of important factors of a successful online presence, but none go above this.
[ Special Guest ] – SavvyCard Lead Developer Eli Wheaton Tells the Future of Business Cards
[ Customer Question ] – What is the Most Cost Effective Method to Promote My Business Online?
In this podcast, I answer a client question about which method of online advertising is going to be the most effective for his business. I go over some of the very specific questions I would ask and how I am going to approach his campaign for optimized success.
What is Responsive Web Design?
In this podcast, I answer the question: What is Responsive design? I give some real life examples and explain why it is so important for modern business and the future of online presence.